Living Your Best Life With What You Have

Why We Sold Our Stake In The “American Dream”

kids playing sunset Venice beach goodbye American dream

The “American Dream”; to climb the ladder, make lots of money, own many houses, cars, property, businesses, the best fashion, latest styles, 2.5 kids and a picket fence. They have sold us a never ending list of consumer items that comes with a really big bill of debt that keeps us tied to the system.

Plan Your Best Staycation In Your Hometown

rv camping campground trailer family

Current gas prices impacting your plans? A staycation in your hometown can not only save you money, but can also help you fall in love again with your little slice of the world.

5 Ways To Earn On The Road

trailer rv Death Valley California sunset

This is by far one of the biggest obstacles stopping so many from that life on the road. Let’s go over the 5 easy ways to earn on the road.